QueaseEASE is Soothing Scents’ signature complementary aid used to manage feelings of queasiness, no matter what the cause.
Created with a proprietary blend of four essential oils -- peppermint, lavender, ginger and spearmint -- that work fast - all you need to do is breathe in the aroma to feel more at ease - without any risk of drowsiness, side-effects or addiction. It is also safe for all ages, and can be used during pregnancy.
Our twist-and-inhale delivery tubes allow the low ambient concentration of essential oil vapor to travel rapidly through the nose and directly to the brain, working quickly by interrupting the nausea feedback loop in the central nervous system and curbing feelings of nausea, as and when it happens.
QueaseEASE is an ideal companion for adventurers and travelers sensitive to motion sickness or sea sickness too.
We recommend QueaseEASE to nurses as a non-pharmacological perioperative aid for patients, to increase satisfaction and patient outcomes. QueaseEASE can also be purchased in medical bulk packs here.