The Soothing Scents story begins in 2004, when nurse anesthetist Wendy Nichols began blending essential oils in her kitchen as an alternative way to help her patients deal with nausea after surgery.
Nichols used her decades-long background in medicine to develop a solution that was medically safe and scientifically sound.
What began as a homemade remedy became a standard hospital supply item, and finally, a thriving business, which Nichols co-founded with her brother and CEO, Roy Nichols.
Today, our product QueaseEASE is used in over 2,000 hospitals, and our ANCC-accredited training program in the use of therapeutic inhaled essential oils for the healthcare setting has helped nurses around the country better serve their patients.
So it's true to say Soothing Scents is a different kind of medical product company. Since our inception, we have been dedicated to building a science-informed bridge between conventional and integrative medicine. We do this by developing evidence-based remedies to assist with distress and discomfort experienced by surgery patients, through our innovative delivery systems, and by pioneering integrative best practices for nurses.
Through extensive scientific research and discussions with hundreds of medical professionals, we have created a range of drug-free, essential oil-based products made to combat nausea and anxiety, in line with the safety standards hospitals rely on to keep their patients safe. Our personal inhalers are also available to the general public, with no doctor's order needed.